Financial Supporters
Anonymous Donor
Lydia Adams
Mary Aiken
Janice Alexander
Barbara and Gil Allen
Ronald E. Ardis
Gary Asciutto
Nancye Bailey
Mary Elizabeth Baker
Richard Baldwin
Susanna and Nat Banks
Sherry and Richard Barrett
Joyce and Joseph Bearden
Linda Beazley
Carole and Harry Beplay
Trisha and William Biediger
Timothy J. Blackwell
Barbara Lassiter and George Bomar
Rachel L. Bonaparte
Eugene Bondurant
Steven J. Borowski
Brian Boyer
Richard Boyer
Annette Branham
Claire and William Brewer
Oliver Brewton
Nina Glasgow and David Brown
Robert Browning
Kelly Byers
Billy R. Campbell
Kelly Carson
Barbara and James Cevasco
Janet C. Chamberlain
Robert Chambers
Chris and Joseph Chapman
Ellen and David Clark
Marilyn and Steven Clarke
Gerry and Bernhardt Claus
Dianne and Jody Coleman
Christine and Cory Comelio
Margaret and John Conlon
Ruth Ann Conway
Sarah B. Cooper
James B. Cox
Peggy Cox
Rhonda Cox
Tracey L. Crews-Hammond
Annie and Willie Crosby
Stanley Crowe
Kathleen Dawson
Charles de Krafft
Joanne and Tommy Dean
Richard Demarest
Mary Chandler DeMonterey
David L. Derrick
Mariellen and Jim Deyling
Cindy S. Dieringer
Nicki and Bob Dillon
Polly and Paul Dilworth
Jacqui and Luke DiMaggio
Bobbi Diussa
Bobbi and William Duncan
Eva M. Eichelberger
John P. Eichorst II
Sugie and Nathan Einstein
Laura Elder
Rainer P. Ellis
Peggy and Joseph Erlewine
Charles L. Evans
Melinda and Arthur Fisher
Kathy and Jack Fleming
Betty J. Floyd
Anita and Robert Fortier
Deborah and Clyde Fowler
Cayce S. French
Martha and Bill Fuller
Kathryn and Thompson Gailey
Mary and Ted Gaines
Julie and Berry Garrett
David T. Garrett
Loretta and Norman Gasswint
Burnett H. Gaston
Adrienne L. Gerus
Lois Rauch Gibson
Sheila M. Gilliard-Sewell
Kathleen and John Goodwin
Cathy and Stephen Green
Jack D. Griffeth
Donna and Robert Groomes
Priscilla and John Hagins
Sara F. Hall
Daniel Harmon
Stacie E. Hartranft
Jacqueline and Alan Hartwig
Rolf W. Hemmerling
Susan and James Hendricks
Claire Hess
Carol and Carl Hoefel
Emmy and Bill Holt
Shirley Hoop
Pat H. Hope
Joan Houston
Bruce Hughes
Connie and Dan Hunt
Kathryn and William Johnson
Margaret and Gerald Jung
Richard Kalisch
Sophie J. Kelly
Judy and Herman Kinard
Louise Kiriakides
Karen Knon
Charles F. Kramer
Ron and Betty Lang
Michelle Lee
Felicia Lefler
Mary Hudlow Lewis
Fred M. Lockman
Linda Jean Long
Don Lusk
Rickey H. Madden
Josselyn and Brad Majors
Janice and Mogie Malone
Delfo Marini
Yvonne Mathews
Patricia P. Matsen
Joan C. McDaniel
Jane McLamarrah
Crystal N. McMillan
Glenda and Wallace McMurray
Eric Meindl
Linda and Patrick Michaels
Sheely Miller
Linda and RJ Mulholland
Brenda and Dorin Muntean
Romana R. Murphy
Violet and Herbert Myers
Anthony Nash
Henry Needham
Jean B. Nelson
Vivian G. Nelson
Sue Zann and Bob Norris
Bonnie and Bob Novak
Kathlyne Nussbaumer
R. Bruce Owen
Marie G. Park
Peggy and Jack Parker
Christine and Roy Parker
Coley Peake
Billy Philbeck
Ruth and Eddie Phillips
Carole and James Phillips
Susan Pines
Britty M. Pointer
Samuel B. Pratt
Marion Shannon Pressley
Rachel Putman
Cyndy and Thomas Raymond
Patricia and Phillip Reavis
Nancy Rechtman
Debra Richard
Claire Richards
Roland Richter
Sandra E. Riggins
Melany Rizzo
Bryan Robbins
Ruby B. Roberts
Romi Robinson
Larry Rogers
Tina and Burke Royster
Deborah Rupp
Joseph M. Ryan, Jr.
Roselle F. Scales
Stacy and Michael Sellers
Marianne Shaddrix
Greer and Hugh Shafer
Donna M. Shaw
Frances and Harold Sifre
Joe Lee Sitton
Gina and Eddie Smith
Sandra and John Smith
Helen and Ronald Smith
John W. Spencer
Kathryn and George Spidel
Ben Staber
Shirley Stanley
Kenneth Stannard
Janet Stemplewski
Duffy A. Stout
Carol B. Strange
Nellie Suber
Connie and Rick Sumerel
Roy Taylor
Lois S. Terry
Charles M. Todd
Lori Tucker
Bonnie and Michael Twitchell
Gerardo Varillas
Daniel Vess
Lind Vickery
Deborah Vose
Gretta Wagner
Laurie Baker Walden
Cheryl Walker
Sara Walker
Leslie and John Wallace
Linda and Edward Walsh
Thomas Warren
Yvonne R. Weber
Raymond Wedlake
Beth Weinstock
Tommy Welch
Harriett Wells-Kegler
Doreen and William Wermuth
Alvin Whitaker
June White
John Whiteford
Geneva S. Wilkins
Peggy and Russell Willard
Alvetia Williams
Jeffery Williams
Gayle Winner
Hamlin M. Withington
Gisela Woiwode-Dales
Darren Wright
Stephen Wright
Donald Wynn
Betty H. Young
Stephen Zielinski
Appalachian Regional Commission
Babcock Center Foundation
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
BNC Bank
Carolina Retail Packaging
Central Carolina Community Foundation
The Chicago Community Foundation
Corporate Staffing Services
Corporation for National and Community Service
Crunch Accounting LLC
Employees of CFC
Gap Foundation
Goodwill Industries International
The Graham Foundation
Greenville County Workforce Development
Hodge and Langely Law Firm, PC
J.A. Piper Roofing Company
Jimmy Wilson Construction
The Karen and Paul Schaefer Foundation
Kenison, Dudley & Crawford, LLC
Los Amigos of Seneca Inc.
McKissick Family Foundation
Pelham First Baptist Church
Planned Administrators, Inc.
Publix Super Markets
Robert J. Stephenson, Attorney at Law
South Carolina Department of Social Services
South Carolina Lieutenant Governor’s Office on Aging
SunTrust Charitable Foundation
TD Charitable Foundation
United Way of Greater Portland
United Way of Greenville County
United Way of Kershaw County
United Way of Pickens County
United Way of the Midlands
Upstate Warrior Solution
The US Charitable Gift Trust
US Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
Walmart Foundation
Whitener & Wharton, P.A.